The first WORS race was today, it took place at my least favorite course Iola. The day started out on the wrong foot from the start. During the warm up i noticed alittle hitch in my shifting but it seemed to be just in my big ring and being that it was pretty much race time i didn't have a ton of time to fanagle with it. As luck would have it my chain was randomly shifting and skipping pretty much right out of the gate but mostly on the climbs when i would put all of Bennie into my pedal stroke, know what i'm sayin' ? uh huh , yeah thought so. I got through the first lap in a decent time all things considered and little did i know that a team mate was hot on my tale, none other then the matter of shoes. Jesse and i went back and forth for the next lap or two before he took off for good. Shortly after i lost sight of Jshoe i snapped my chain. Seeing in how it was the last lap thoughts of running the rest of the race out was nested in my head but there was a bunch of single track left and i thought better of it and called it a day.
Have you ever read or heard that you're not supposed to change things on race day with out trying them first? I have too but that didn't stop me from changing a few things. None of which are going to be taking place before or during next race. The list is as follows.
1. shaving legs (never again)
2. going with out my camel back
3. tuna instead of peanut butter before the race
4. not pre riding
5. showing up later than normal to the race site
Not that any of those things led to my chain breaking or my bike riding like crap but i'm superstitious, i mean after all i was a baseball player.
I didn't get to see all of the results but from what i heard Performa had a good first outing. Good job guys and gals and i'm looking forward to seeing you all again at Wors race # 3
P.S. if you haven't figured it out stumpie is my bike.
shaving legs is not good!!